The posters were heavily relying on texts, such as the slogans 'They're here for you' and 'It's great to be part of the greater good' for the Metropolice and 'Keep it clean. Randy Lundeen stated that the team made periodic attempts to create and scatter many Combine propaganda posters throughout City 17, designed by Lundeen himself and other Valve artists.
The Combine imagery is often quite abstract, and the intended messages can be very subtle. Most of the time they include the two common Combine symbols (see below), with variants in color and image backgrounds.
Many Combine posters are also scattered around City 17 and its sector (including the Coast, Nova Prospekt, etc.). Combine units - humanoid and Synth - also bear insignias, logos and other markings.
The Combine heavily relies on imagery through logos, symbols, brands, and propaganda posters to assert their influence on Earth and establish their presence to its residents.